Sweet Sixties

Sweet Sixties Cover

Health Plan tailored for individuals, couples and groups within the age range of 60 – 69 years.

Quality health care for sexagenarians

60 - 69 years

Sweet sixties plan is a special package for our enrollees in their sweet sixties. This implies that this plan is ‘only’ available to you if you are between the ages of 60 and 69.

This plan has two special sub-plans- maxi and PPP. The health care services covered in this plan include but not limited to; HIV/AIDS care and treatment, specialist consultation, emergency service, primary eye care, advanced and complex investigations, management of chronic conditions, and minor, intermediate and major surgeries and procedures.

Sweet Sixties Plan - Happy Grandmother
Sweet Sixties Plan - Happy Grandfather
Sweet Sixties Plan - Sweet Sixties Couple

Plan Summary

1 - 50

60-69 years

Maxi, PPP


BenefitsDetailsNoteMetro Maxi

₦ 2,250,000
Get Plan
Metro PPP

₦ 3,000,000
Get Plan
Hospital CategoryB, C & DA, B, C & D
Age band61 – 70 years61 – 70 years
Total Benefit LimitAnnual LimitPer lives N1,500,000Per lives N2,500,000
Lifestyle BenefitsAccess to Gym2 sessions per month4 sessions per month
Travel Insurance ServicesWorldwide Travel Insurance1 week2 weeks
General Out- Patient Care– Registration
– General Consultations
Specialist Consultations – Type 1– Obstetrics & Gynaecology
– General/ Family Medicine
– Cardiology
– Paediatrics
– General Surgery
– Dermatology
– Ophthalmology
– Orthopaedics
– Haematology
Refer to stated Annual Limits1012
Specialist Consultations – (Type 2)– Maxillofacial surgery
– Neurosurgery
– ENT Surgery
– Urologist
– Gastroenterology
– Endocrinology
– Oncology
DrugsProvision of prescribed drugs and medications for covered conditions
In-Patient Care – Room TypeAdmission for the treatment of covered conditionsAccommodation type(Private Ward)(Private Ward)
-Feeding & In-patient treatment– Feeding of enrolees for the duration of admission for the treatment of covered conditions.

– Provision of medical care, nursing care, and prescribed medication and consumables during the period of admission for the treatment of covered conditions.
-Admission daysRefers to the maximum admission days allowed per annum for each plan.28 Days30 Days
Physiotherapy– Physiotherapeutic services.

– Provision of prescribed Physiotherapeutic appliances e.g. Soft and hard cervical collar, Crutches.
Refer to the Maximum number of Sessions per annum810
X-Rays & Other Diagnostic Tests– Radiological services/Plain X- rays of the Limbs, Spine, Abdomen, Pelvis, Chest, Skull

– Contrast studies

– Ultrasound scan of
Abdomen and pelvis

– Rest Electrocardiogram (ECG)
As clinically required
Laboratory Investigations– Histopathology

– Haematological Investigations

– Microbiological investigations

– Serology

– Clinical chemistry
As clinically required
Advanced & Complex Investigations– CT Scan

– MRI Scan


– Echocardiography

Limits specified represent an aggregation of the above
Accidents and Emergencies– Emergency room services.

– Limited to resuscitation or lifesaving interventions in cases where definitive management is an exclusion.
As clinically required
Ambulance and evacuation servicesIntrastate evacuation only.
Health facility and
Roadside/Health facility.
Intensive Care ServicesAdmission and care in the intensive care unit.24 hours48 hours
Minor Surgeries– Wound dressings.

– Suturing of minor cuts and lacerations.

– Incision and drainage of Abscesses.
Annual Surgical Limit₦650, 000₦1, 000,000
Intermediate Surgeries– Minor wound debridement

– Lump excision

– Hernia repairs

– Appendectomy

– Surgery for haemorrhoids

– Endoscopy

– Surgery for ectopic pregnancy

– Caesarean section
Annual Surgical Limit – Caesarean section for MetroMini plan is covered up to a limit of N100,000
Major Surgeries– General surgeries such as Laparotomy.

– Gynaecological surgeries like Hysterectomy.

– ENT surgeries like Adenotonsillectomies.
Annual Surgical Limit
Antenatal Care & Delivery– Antenatal care including prescribed drugs
– Management of pregnancy complications
– Normal delivery
– Assisted vacuum or forceps delivery
– Post natal care – ( 6weeks post delivery)

Chronic DiseasesHypertension, Diabetes,
Asthma, Tuberculosis,
HIV, Glaucoma, Arthritis, treatment of Hepatitis, Sickle cell disease.
Neonatal Care– Perinatal care including cord care, Physiologic jaundice, Ophthalmia neonatorum.

– Immunization services within the first two (2) weeks
including BCG and oral polio

– Circumcision

– Ear piercing

– Incubator Care, NICU
No Limit

15 days

20 days
Immunization (i)– Routine Immunizations BCG, Measles, DPT, Oral Polio, Vitamin A supplementation, yellow fever, Hepatitis B, Pentavalent vaccine.
Immunization (ii)Additional immunization for 0 – 5 years, MMR,

Pneumococcal vaccine,


Immunization (iii)Additional Immunizations (6yrs and above) (Meningitis, Yellow Fever, Hepatitis B)
Paediatric CareTreatment of common
childhood diseases like malaria, and other uncomplicated febrile illnesses, diarrheal
diseases, Upper respiratory tract infection.
No Limit
Family Planning– Counselling

– Provision of Commodities e.g. IUCD (Copper T)

– Injectable

– Implant e.g. Implanon
As Clinically Required

Eye– Basic eye examination

– Refraction

– Biennial Optical glasses

– Tonometry

– Central Visual Field





Dental– Registration

– Examination

– Amalgam/Composite Filling

– Scaling & Polishing

– Pain Therapy Drugs

– X-Rays

– Non-Surgical Extraction

– Surgical Extraction

– Root Canal Therapy

– Bridges & Crowns
Total annual limit for dental services₦60,000


Cancer Care– Consultation with Oncologist

– Chemotherapy

– Radiotherapy

– Cytotoxic Drugs

– Pain Therapy
Refer to Annual Limit
Selective ScreeningAnnual Limit ₦45,000
Annual Medical Check-ups (at designated centres only)Physical examination,
Blood Pressure,
Blood sugar,
Blood Group,
and Breast Scan
Physical examination,
Blood Pressure,
Blood sugar,
Blood Group,
Liver Function Test,
Kidney Function Test,
PSA and Mammogram
Psychiatric CareOut-patient only1 month2 months
In-Patient2 Days3 Days
Health Promotion– Health education and disease prevention on various illnesses including HIV, Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus, Tuberculosis.

– Health promotion information and Materials.
Mortuary CareCleaning, Embalming, etc.₦60, 000₦100, 000
Kidney DialysisMust not be pre-existing condition**.6 sessions8 sessions
Metro Maxi

₦ 2,250,000
Get Plan
Metro PPP

₦ 3,000,000
Get Plan

  1. Following payment of premium, access to care will commence on the first day of the subsequent month but not less than two (2) weeks from date of payment.
  2. The term of premium cover starts from the date of commencement of care.
  3. All screenings, diagnostic and laboratory investigations will be based on clinicians recommendation.
  1. Services primarily for weight reduction, treatment of obesity, speech disorders, learning difficulties, behavioural and developmental problems.
  2. Non-medical counselling, nutritional counselling, herbal drugs, food supplements, experimental drugs, virility enhancing drugs and assisted reproduction.
  3. Orthodontic services, dental implants.
  4. Treatment of mental, emotional or functional nervous disorders, psychological testing and treatment of substance abuse, self-inflicted injuries and suicide attempts.
  5. Artificial ventilation and use of ventilator.
  6. Transplant surgery, joint replacement and prosthetic limbs.
  7. Post-acute rehabilitation at home, domiciliary services and supply of durable medical equipment/appliances.
  8. Management and correction of congenital abnormalities.
  9. Consultations with unregistered and unrecognized clinicians.
  10. An eye surgery solely for the purpose of correcting refractive defects of the eye such as near sightedness (myopia), astigmatism and/or farsightedness (presbyopia).
  11. Any service, treatment, procedure or investigation not listed explicitly as being covered.
  12. Selective screening/Well person checks (except for the MetroPPP plan).
  13. Cancer care and management (except for the MetroPPP plan).

How it works

We have made it easier for you to access different quality health services by carefully packaging relevant preventive and curative health care services – the MetroHealth plans.


Pick a plan of choice

Carefully go through the plans and sub-plans.
Pick the plan that best suits your needs and budget.


Fill the Form

Fill the form that comes with your selected health plan.
Make your annual payment.


Your Plan takes care

Enjoy seamless health care services.

What our customers say

Uju Nwokeji
Uju NwokejiInterconnect Clearing House
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"...They check up on their clients to make sure they are well taken care of by the hospitals..."
Shola Abiloye
Shola AbiloyeACAS-Law
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"...Excellent and exciting customer service, prompt response to issues and swift response to pre-authorization processes..."
Toyin Ayoade
Toyin AyoadeMD, MBC Securities Ltd.
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"...Confirmations are done very quickly with the hospital and service providers to ensure prompt medical care..."
Akinwole Ayodeji
Akinwole AyodejiEKEDC
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"...I was pleasantly surprised when they refunded all the expenses we incurred during this period..."
Jude Aura Chukwuma
Jude Aura ChukwumaMetroHealth HMO User
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"...What is also truly amazing is the follow up of their team members – calling to find out your experience during visits to the clinics..."

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